Corporate sponsorship
Komori-Chambon supports associations acting for the preservation of the environment on international and local levels. Our employees are directly involved in the selection of these associations.
Komori-Chambon S.A.S initiated a global CSR program covering the company’s professional ethics as well as its environmental impact. We believe that a shared commitment from the top management and from every single employee to a respectful behaviour in all sectors is crucial.
Komori-Chambon is mindful of the quality of the working environment. This concerns the staff of course, and the suppliers with whom trust and long-term relationship is the guarantee of stable quality and customer satisfaction.
Our company pays a great attention to a fair collaboration. Our employees are deeply involved in a very demanding customer-centric organization. In return, they benefit from large health and welfare programs. They also get incentives linked to the company’s success.
Protecting the environment is no longer an option. Industrial firms have to take an even greater responsibility for the impact of their activities.
Komori-Chambon runs continuous improvement plans with responsible manufacturing processes.
The packaging industry is at the center of many discussions and concerns. Sustainable solutions must be found so that we combine the necessary protection of goods, especially in the food industry, and the lowest carbon footprint.
This is why Komori-Chambon specializes in the cartonboard packaging. The cardboard material ensures a great protection and safety. It is also made from renewable resources and allows a perfectly controlled recycling.
Komori-Chambon supports associations acting for the preservation of the environment on international and local levels. Our employees are directly involved in the selection of these associations.
The Tara Ocean Foundation, first recognized public interest foundation in France dedicated to the world’s oceans, is leading a scientific revolution: The Foundation has developed an open, innovative Ocean science that will enable us to predict, anticipate and better manage tomorrow’s climate risks. We use high-level scientific expertise to raise awareness and educate young people, mobilize policy makers at the highest level, and enable emerging and developing countries to access the latest knowledge about the Ocean. A veritable floating laboratory, the research schooner Tara has already traveled more than 400,000 kilometers, making stopovers in more than 60 countries during 4 major expeditions, carried out in collaboration with international laboratories of excellence (CNRS, CEA, PSL, EMBL, MIT , NASA, and others).The Tara Ocean Foundation is a Special Observer at the UN and actively participates in the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda. We want to make the ocean a shared responsibility.
Terre d’Abeilles is a French NGO, founded in 2002, for the thrive and survival of honey bees and other pollinators. This association is represented by a woman from a family of beekeepers whose son is representing the fifth generation.
Toxic pesticides kill pollinators. Their decline is very alarming all over the world. In Europe, 80% of flying insects have passed away in the last 30 years.
We are acting against pesticides and genetically modified plants and other destructive practices.
We are the whistle blowers against the authorized usage of toxic pesticides poisoning pollinators and destroying animal and human health.
We advocate for agroecological and organic practices.
Fédération Rhône-Alpes de la Protection de la Nature represents in Ardèche, South East of France, the FNE (France Nature Environnement), with a total of 3500 associations.
It carries out multiple actions for the preservation of the environment as well as regular educational projects.
Among its concrete actions, the FNE Rhône-Alpes has developed the « Sentinels » project. Thanks to a mobile application, anyone can report environmental or animal species endangerment. This tool also makes it possible to highlight virtuous initiatives.
The OSO brings in musicians coming mostly from the city of Orléans but it has built a strong international reputation.
It is under the leadership of a renowned conductor : Marius Stieghorst.
The OSO celebrates its centenary in 2021.